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and lineage

code of ethics


+ I don't message or prey on you to work with me

+ I maintain healthy spiritual hygiene + right relationship with my wise/well ancestors  and practice.

+I allow for my ancestors to guide me in how I share messaging/honest information

+ I am highly steeped in spiritism, folk italian magick, solo magician work and am in proper relationship with my deities;  The Morrigan, Hekate, and Persephone,. ​

+My style is eclectic because my religious upbringing was eclectic, with influence from Roman Catholicism, Judaism, Buddhism and Witchcraft, i've learned we are all connected. Today, I primarily identify as a Witch.

+ I work within open practices, so the tools I share are able to be applied to all, no matter your lineage.

+ As a client, I want to see you LESS; less is MORE. Less means I'm not a crutch. Less means you are in relationship with spirit, not myself on behalf of you!

+ I do not lie about my abilities, if I feel i'm incapable of a service, I will tell you.

+Ethically,  I never promise something I can't deliver


Anna Sayce  + Psychic  Foundations  (Tarot, Intuitive Readings, Pendulum, Altar work.) 2013

Nicole Elodie + Mediumship + Mentorship , 2019


Bossy Bruja + Witch Studies 2019

Intuitive Tarot  Course, 2022

Kaitlyn Graña + Spiritism/Mentorship, 2023

Dèsirèe Eckert + Hypnosis Education , 2023

Yoga Renew + 200 Hr Yoga Cerification,  2022

Sound Healing Certification,  2021

End of Life Doula Certification IAP  college, 2024

Practicing Witch of 20+ years

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I'm not a regular mailing list, I'm a COOL mailing list.


Pretty cool of you👽

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